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Tuesday, May 31, 2011

D - Day minus 1 - May 31'st

It is hard to believe but tomorrow I leave for Paris for two months. Even harder to believe is that I haven't even started packing yet AND I have a half day of work to get done tomorrow AND I have some running around to do as well. My drop dead time to head out to the airport is 6:30 pm for a 8:35 flight. I have my boarding pass and am flying business class so there shouldn't be any problem catching the flight.

I arrive on Thursday morning and move into my first apartment on rue Bartholet. It is a tiny one bedroom since that's all I need to begin with at least. I'll be there until June 23'rd when I move into our big apartment on rue Vaugirard.  I stay there until July 29'th. All told we have 14 guests coming over for various parts of this trip starting on June 23'rd. Bonnie and Tom Vrabel, Christopher Dunphy and his buddy Karl, Denis, Janice and Ashlee DesRosiers, Savannah Barrow and her friend Peter, Lucy, Christine, Simon and Julia and then finally Vida Petrasiunas. Laura still hasn't made up her mind but she also told me that she doesn't have a passport so it doesn't look good for her.

I leave for four days in Vilnius Lithuania on Friday morning ... returning on Monday late. This is the one business issue that I have to deal with. Lucy has a cousin whose husband works at a bank and they wanted someone to come over and talk to them about leasing. I've done dozens of studies on leasing and actually quite enjoyed putting together my collective knowledge into a presentation for them. Should be fun, I've never been to Lithuania and I'll get to meet some relatives that I've never met before and one that I met ages ago.

I spend the week in Paris and on Friday take the train to Stuttgart where I catch up with Marcus from Mercedes Benz who has promised me a Swabian tour. So much for the diet. I intended to come home on the Monday but somehow booked my trip back for Tuesday instead so I might just stay an extra day and see some more sites... What the heck.

I then get back to Paris on June 14'th and I'm there until July 29'th. And no I'm not getting excited yet .. too much to get done to get excited.

I'll try to post everyday but if miss a few days please forgive me. I posted everyday on my 2008 trip and some days it was a royal pain. We'll see.

I obviously haven't any new pictures yet so I posted some of my favourites from my trip in 2008. Most are from Paris but others are from other venues.

