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Tuesday, July 19, 2011

Japanese Style Bridge in Monet's Garden

Ah the wonders of photoshop. This is a picture of the first of the two Japanese style bridges at Monet's garden. Because it is the first one that tourists see it is always and I mean ALWAYS loaded up with tourists so it is very hard to get a clean photograph of it. What the tourists do is stand on the bridge and their companion goes over to the side path to take a picture of them on the bridge. So not only are there a lot of people standing on the bridge but they linger for quite a long time. Very frustrating if you are trying to get a photo of the bridge without people on it.

That is where photoshop comes to the rescue. The pictures below are just a sample of the various shots I combined together to create the picture above. In all it took 11 photos to make up the one above. I took about 50 identical photos using a very low ISO setting ( 64 ) and a very high F stop ( 28 ). This meant that the shutter was open for more than a second each picture and thus I also had to use my tripod in order to eliminate camera shake. But by doing this the depth of the colour is very intense.

The combined picture is not perfect in that I only have a small screen on my apple and it is hard to  be precise with overlaying the pictures but it did turn out pretty good in the end.

Life is good ... enjoy

Auto Guru in Europe


  1. Amazing, Dennis! Thanks for posting!

  2. Why the hell can't all those stupid tourists get out of your way. Kind of reminds me of the day at Vimy Ridge!! Tee Hee

