I talk more about this in my day 35 blog but I wanted to post some pictures of our friends and the ladies that served us lunch today. Very special. The friends we are traveling with found this place last year and sent the two ladies a pictures and as soon as they walked in the door the one lady came over all excited ...... Canada! Canada!. We were served a plate of cold meats and a plate of cheese with figs and while we were eating we could hear her on the phone to her friend saying that the Canadians were back and to come over and visit which of course she did.
This is what makes these trips special ... the local people you meet and intermingle with be it at a stall selling something or the restaurants or the Villa's etc. Number one on my list of things that are special are the friends we are traveling with starting with my sister Bun and Tom and my sister in law Janice who was a fabulous addition to the trip on the Paris and Switzerland legs of this holiday and then in Italy we have Lorenzo and Linda, Don and Trudy, Peter and Blair, Mike and Lynn and of course my bride ..... Lucy. Second on the trip would be the people we are meeting like the ones in the above pictures. Third would be the smiles on the faces of all of the people we are traveling with and the people we are meeting. Do you realize how special it is for us to see the look on the faces of the people that serve us in the restaurant when they realize just how much we are enjoying their food. Every cook loves to be appreciated and everyone without exception come over and tell us how much they enjoyed having us for lunch or dinner. And of course we take pictures of them and will send then all a memento.
I could go on and on with my list of special things but I'll not bore you any more. Enjoy our new found friends as much as we do.
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