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Tuesday, September 9, 2008

Day 5

Our best day yet. Bun and Tom and I got up real early and took a train out the Giverney which is where Monet lived and we visited his gardens. May sound somewhat low key but it was great. And Linda (White!) we were thinking of you all time we were at the gardens .. Tom says hello and that he loves you ... Sappy Tom.  
Now let me set up a story for you.  Remember a few blogs ago we assigned Mary Lou the weather to take care of ....!!!! She's doing a spectacular job.
We finish up in Giverney and get to the train station about 20 minutes ahead of time and notice a pizza joint across the street. I tell Bun and Tom to go sit and I ran over and ordered up three small pizza's to go since we hadn't eaten all day. No problem. Now Tom hasn't had a beer all day so I pick up a couple soft drinks and two beers to go. I also give the guy a Canada flag badge and he throws in a couple more beers. The only problem is that they do NOT have a twist top so the guy at the pizza joint pops the caps and graps these hard rubber wine stoppers and puts one in each of the beers so that they do not spill. So Tom inhales one beer and he and I are enjoying the second and third on the train ride back to Paris and Bon interrupts and mentions that we all need to toast Mary Lou for giving us such great weather. Now just as Tom, Bon  and I clink our beers this rubber cap the Pizza guy pounded onto the fourth  beer exploded off the bottle and just about hit the lady across the aisle. You see that was Mary Lou telling us that "You can't enjoy a beer without me!" That was almost scary but Lou obviously approves of this trip. Life is strange in many ways.
Now Hurricane Janice blows into town and hasn't stopped since she got here which was around noon. It is now after midnight. She's parlez vu ing from one end of Paris to the other and believe it or not she is worried about her french grammar. Go figure. Now remember that wine surplus they have in France? No more, this gal knows her wine .. actually not .. but she does know how to drink it.  She was actually having a hard time finding which apartment to come to and noticed through a crack in the door two bottles of wine sitting on the floor. Immediately she knocked and that was us.
We all went down to the Seine for a boat ride tonight. Missed the one we wanted to take at seven but it turned out well in that the later one started in light and finished in darkness and the Eiffel Tour is beautiful after dark. Ended up at St. Michel for a few hours at the end of the day sitting an open air cafe till all hours.  Lovely. Even Lucy had a great time. Will try to post some good pictures but it is so late that some will have to wait till tomorrow. That I'm a little tipsy has nothing to do with it.
Till Tomorrow


  1. Hurricane Janice - that is awesome!! Great blog so far. It is making me jealous.

  2. Can't tell you guys how amazing it is for me to see all these things again - through your eyes - I have such incredible memories.
    When I started catching up tonite - and saw all the Monet flowers and such - I thought "Oh, jeez - I'll have to print this all off for Mom to see" - as she is such a Monet lover. When I got to the text that mentioned you had her in your thoughts while you were there, I had to call her, yup, at 11:00 pm to share it with her - she was soooo touched. Asked me to tell you that she's thrilled to know that Monet brought peace and tranquility to you while you were there as he has for years for her.
    I can read the pure joy on your faces in every shot - and can tell that Bun & Tom are just as overwhelmed with alot of it as I first was - like Dennis said - you see it all - all the time - TV, movies, magazines even advertisements, but it just isn't the same as seeing the real thing in person - - the Seinne, Sacre de Couer, the Arc, the art. Even the Sienne side vendors booths bring back vivid memories for me - Paris is timeless !
    Thanks so much Dennis for keeping us all up-to-date and letting us live vicariously through all of you for a short while.
    Love you bunches - and I'm even more excited to listen while you pour out your adventures when you get home !
