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Monday, September 22, 2008

Note to Darlene and Linda

Bun sent the two of you a comment. Go to the blog for Day 17 and read the comments section.

1 comment:

  1. hey guys, I didn't know how else to let you know that I made it home safe and sound. I did not sleep on the plane so I am very punchy right now. FYI, the RER was quite the experience!! I hope that Bun and Tom did not have to go through what I did. They changed tracks (42 to 32) and then the train was late and then at 9:10they announced that it wouldn't be arriving until 10am and then 2 minutes later they announced that it would be leaving from track 18 in 5 minutes!! No escalators were working and people went nuts; running across the tracks, pushing and shoving, it was a zoo!! I would definitely recommend taking a cab when you leave to go back home.
    Thanks again for a terrific trip and I will see you soon.
