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Friday, June 24, 2011

Christopher and Karolis Walk in Paris and the Tesla Dealership

One of the most effective ways to adjust to the time zone change ( six hours from eastern time in North America ) is to get out in the sun and better yet to go for a long walk in the sun. It also tires you out so you tend to sleep a little better on your first night.

So I took Christopher and Karolis for a walk down to the Tour Eiffel ... a stop for a  beer ... the arc du Triomphe ... down the Champs D'elysees a few blocks and then back across the Seine by Place Invalides and then home. We stopped and rested a number of times while out since I also did not want to overdue it for either of them. Karolis has been in England for a week so he is well adjusted but Christopher arrived today and I didn't want to push him too hard.

One funny thing. Christopher only brought 500 Euro bills and could not find any place to break them. The banks we found had no tellers and the 'Change' places won't touch a bill this size but the last one we tried told us that by 'Law' stores have no choice but to take a large bill like this IF you buy something. So Christopher went into the MacDonald's on the Champs D'elysees and bought a coke and demanded the teller take the 500 Euro bill. After a little bit of an argument and Christopher standing his ground someone finally came over and cashed the bill for him.

We also found the one and only Tesla dealership in Europe and went in and introduced ourselves to the dealer. I gave him a card and told him I was 'Canada's leading auto industry analyst' so he was quite co-operative. Tried to talk him into a test drive but failed.

Also you will notice that there will now and for the rest of this trip be the odd picture of myself.

Life is good ... enjoy

Auto Guru in Europe


  1. So, did you play a game of boulles (sic)?

  2. Is the little blue car a "Fiffi" (Renault)?
    I bet Denis could get a test drive at the Tesla dealership ...

  3. Hey Dennis keep an eye on those boys, looks like they could get into some trouble. Worried Mom

  4. I'll bring my Lotus key and see if it helps at the Tesla dealer. The Tesla is 80% Lotus designed anyway
